When OK is not OK

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.....

I'm not a Star Wars fan and you can ask my pastor how knowledgeable I am when it comes to that stuff but....Seriously though, a few years ago, home away from childhood home, I worked in a great loving environment. I loved my job.One day my boss came to me and gave me a passage saying I needed to read this and come up with a way to change how I talked with the public. Um, Excuse me, I'm a sweet southern belle who respects people and will give them my very last penny, if I had one at the time. But I had a habit. A habit that can be detrimental in a 911 situation and yes, I did answer 911 phone calls. My habit? Saying okay when it's not okay. 

To me I was saying okay to let them know I was acknowledging them but I was being complained on because they didn't feel as if I was listening to them or brushing them off. Not caring. I did care about all the calls I had taken and I thought I was really good at my job. It was just this "okay" habit. 

I read the passage and I sat in front of a mirror practicing 911 calls,when I was off of work. I wanted to be good. I didn't want anymore complaints. I always wanted a shiny metal! Fast forward, I never got one. It wasn't because I wasn't good, life just happened and steered me in a different direction. But this isn't what this blog post is about. I was giving you a little background because the phrase, "It is okay", did come up and it made me think.

When okay IS NOT okay. By the way I'm going to be saying okay, a lot, if you can't tell....

It's not okay to tell some one "You're doing an okay job", "You're house is okay", or even when someone is trying to talk to you and you constantly say okay to them. I understand why I received complaints because I have been told okay repeatedly and when asking if they were listening they said,"Okay", or they say, "yea I'm listening but I'm also busy." Then tell me you're busy before I get all emotional or just decline my call. Y'all, I completely get why they complained on me. It's a disconnecting feeling. You don't feel like the person really cares or sympathizes with you. You are confiding in that person for a reason, are you not? In my case, and many will understand this, you're "venting" to that person about your feeling or problem for a reason. The least they can do is sympathize with you, give you advice, or cry with you BUT NEVER SAY OKAY..

Now I will tell you what is okay. It's the simplest thing but we sometimes need those reminders. We sometimes need that light to shine on the easiest common solution. My light was shining on one today. IT IS OKAY. 

You're probably thinking, what is okay? Fill in the blank, in your head. Just think.
My example: It is okay not to be a perfect parent.

Your turn: It is okay ___________________________ .

It is okay to struggle. It is okay to not feel okay. It's okay to not have it all figured out yet. It is okay to just sit in a counselors office and cry your eyes out over something that happened years ago. IT IS OKAY TO CRY OVER SPILLED MILK!! It's even okay to sit in the shower and fall asleep. Who does that? I do.... It is okay to forget baseball tryouts. Guess what? I did that. It is okay not to cook dinner every night. I know many will disagree but make a sandwich. You don't always have to have a home cooked meal. When was the last time you told someone that it was okay to do something? Now, everything I'm writing about is on personal or emotional feelings so I'm not saying its okay to commit a crime, AT ALL. You are reading the wrong blog for that! 

Sometimes we have to be told that it is okay to be human. No fine print. We all make huge mistakes. We all point fingers. That's why I serve a very loving forgiving God. I know if I do something wrong I just have a full breakdown moment with God. Asking for forgiveness, help, guidance, etc. I pray so I can keep the communication open and so God hears from me what's weighing on my heart.

When we're reminded that it is okay, it will then be our job to be open and accepting of it. I am speaking for myself when I say, I get caught up in my surroundings and forget that It will be okay, and it is okay. I am learning it's okay to have that feeling of helplessness. Sounds weird. I don't expect you to understand but I know that there are some who do. As a mom, wife, friend, I want to help always. If you ask me I will normally say yes without hesitation. I'm that way because there have been many helpless instances where I could not help. It was out of my control. So, it is okay to have that feeling of helplessness. 

Wake up every morning and tell yourself, It is okay. Pray, forgive, love, and seek.

Love y'all, Okay?!
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