Not everyday has to be a Strong day

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I love this. No matter how small we can conquer all with God on our side.

Not every day has to be a strong day. Powerful right? I love this saying and the meaning behind it.

I know I haven't posted in a little while but I know you didn't miss me that much. Tonight I was quickly reminded that not every day has to be a strong day. This week has been emotionally rough. ROUGH. Tonight, I hit a breaking point. My breaking point consisted of hugging my daughter, then going to the bathroom, closing the door and hyperventilating because I am crying so much. If that's not a breaking point then I have no clue what is.

This week I have missed my son like no other. I believe it's just coming so surreal of forgetting things. His voice, touch, smell, and other small things about him. OH his shoes. He loved his shoes and was always proud of them. But last night while at church I had a few things that happened. One thing didn't bother me but it was something after that did. Then all of that led to was just me wanting to be left alone but couldn't because my wonderful loving husband decided to step in and add to what I was doing wrong. I was ready to hide and cry.

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Fast forward to tonight. I was overwhelmed with the house, kids, work and plus I have a cold. Hubs called me wanting to know if I wanted him to pick up tacos (side note I was wearing a shirt that said 'Tell me I'm beautiful and feed me tacos'...). I told him no I can cook and after he asked again a couple of times I finally said sure pick up tacos. When he arrived home, which I thought was kind of early, he was helping and calming baby Ellie down. I didn't see tacos so I asked if he picked up tacos. He replied, 'No you told me not too'. I then said yes I did. ANYWAYS, we go to the bedroom and are talking about the day and we here a loud CRASH. We run in to the kitchen and see where my daughter dropped a bowl and it broke. She then began crying saying she didn't mean to and she was so sorry. Hard week for her as well. I just grabbed her and held her saying it was okay it's just a bowl. 

With all that I then had to go to the bathroom and just cry. Hyperventilate type cry. Yall....I allowed myself to just break. I couldn't hold it in. While I was holding my daughter I happened to look in one corner and remembered my son playing hide and go seek. It has been so hard to remember anything since he passed. That hit me hard and deep. My sweet caring husband came in to talk and calm me down. I told him what was going on then I suddenly remembered 'Not everyday has to be a strong day'.

Not only did I remember that but I also remembered the message I spoke on at a women's meeting Monday afternoon. This is how quick and sudden we can all get so overwhelmed and forget about the powerful words from God. The words in the Holy Bible that encourages us. The words that strengthens us and encourages us. 

I am going to share one verse from my Monday night message that slapped me in the face.

Zephaniah 3:17(NIV)
The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.

WOOO! Ain't God good yall? I lost sight in that because why? I am human and I allowed my emotions. Me being overwhelmed with "life" to consume me. Now about my son that will happen but notice when I mentioned I was quickly reminded about not everyday having to be a strong day? That is nothing but the word from God reminding me and reminding me of this scripture. God is ALWAYS with me, wherever I go. He will NEVER leave me NOR forsake me. He is the mighty warrior who saves! He has saved me from falling even further in to darkness. And He continues to rejoice over me. So all I can do is give all the glory to God and thank Him for His anointed word. 

It is okay to have bad days but it's how you respond back to those days. Just lay back, listen to God speak, allow Him to just hold you, or as a friend of mine said, lay back on his chest and just listen to Him. Take a moment and just listen. Even if you're hyperventilating, you can listen because I did. Most of all remember that not everyday has to be a strong day.

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