The Awakening

Guys I have MIA! But I am back! I am so excited to share something with you. It's pretty great and I have to brag on God a little bit.

Have you ever been like, "Ok God, if you say so, but I'm trusting in you" or "Really Lord? That's not me and I don't feel comfortable doing that"? Step out and put all analytics aside. What are you afraid of when God guides you, speaks to you or even nudges you. Which response will you give? Believe me when I say it is so difficult to trust the unseen.

So, last week I went to youth camp with our church youth group. What a great experience! A lot of things were happening and you could just see God move. Incredible! Little did I know that was the time God was going to move in me. I love working with the youth. They are so inquisitive on things that can be a challenge. They're hungry for more and I love it! One night we had baptisms. I was conversing with one of my girls and next thing I knew God was leading me in to the pool. Um, Lord what's going on? I honestly just let God lead me, and I'm so glad I did. I became rebaptized. What an amazing time. All I could think of was refresh, renew, restore. I wanted to refresh myself in the holy spirit, renew my walk with God (it never expires but because of situations I needed some renewal), and lastly to restore my soul and deep love that I had for God. When coming out of the water, one of the sweetest souls I met at camp gave me the biggest hug and whispered to me and said "When you came out of the water the holy spirit was so strong and all I could see was your awakening!" 


I just have to say I was floored! To me that was my awakening moment. That was my refresh, renew, restore moment. I was AWAKENED! 

I was baptized at the age of 9. I'll be honest I wanted to walk a Christian life and be Christ like but I didn't have a full understanding. I was oblivious to what it all meant. My husband and I were baptized together after the day we were married. But this time, I was baptized, it was so different.

A New Life in Christ....
Romans 6: 1-4
What should we say then? Should we continue in sin so that grace may multiply? Absolutely not! How can we who died to sin still live in it? Or are you unaware that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? Therefore we were buried with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too may walk in newness of life.

We will be tested. We will face trials and tribulation but walking in the newness of life excites me! Can I get an amen?! When I say newness of life that is describing my walk with God, my intimate relationship with God. Life will never be perfect. But I pray my relationship with God is. I don't expect everyone to understand but it is in me to share the gospel. It is in me to give everyone what God has laid on my heart. Awakening, newness, refresh, renew, restore.. 

Last year, so many doors were opened for my husband and I. However, I fully believe that last year was just a small portion of what God has in store for my husband and I this year. I am so excited to be awakened. Everything God has done for me and my family has not been out of spite. It's because of the promises He has laid out for us. 

I love a new shirt, new pair of shoes, but most of all I love my new life in Christ. You can have that new life too! Keep reading. I will try and continue to post more. I love sharing God.

I just love y'all! 

If you ever want to reach out you are welcome to reach here. 

Be Awakened.
