
Showing posts from 2019

The Awakening

Guys I have MIA! But I am back! I am so excited to share something with you. It's pretty great and I have to brag on God a little bit. Have you ever been like, "Ok God, if you say so, but I'm trusting in you" or "Really Lord? That's not me and I don't feel comfortable doing that"? Step out and put all analytics aside. What are you afraid of when God guides you, speaks to you or even nudges you. Which response will you give? Believe me when I say it is so difficult to trust the unseen. STORY TIME! So, last week I went to youth camp with our church youth group. What a great experience! A lot of things were happening and you could just see God move. Incredible! Little did I know that was the time God was going to move in me. I love working with the youth. They are so inquisitive on things that can be a challenge. They're hungry for more and I love it! One night we had baptisms. I was conversing with one of my girls and next thing I

Understanding Grief...You can't

The title is the message itself.  Grief. What do we actually know about it? Most associate it with death. I could be wrong. I don't keep stats on this stuff.  The true definition of grief is keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret. The true definition of grieve or grieving is to feel grief or great sorrow (used without object). To distress mentally; cause to feel grief or sorrow (used with object). Time will heal the broken...insert laughter... Time will not heal. Actually, time only hurts. I have been told, 'But your not trusting in the Lord to get you through'....Can I just say that people mean well. They do and I do not expect them to understand. I actually tell them I don't wish they would try to understand. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I have lost a son. It is very unreal.  Time will not heal. I say that because there are so many days I wake up and it feels like my son just took hi