Desserts over Stress.... YES

Image result for yummy

I am making my FIRST ever desserts blog! Wow I'm so excited about this one. I hope this helps you more than it helped me. Honestly, you may already know what this may be about. DO NOT BE A SPOILER! 

So first thing we say to someone is 'Hey! How are you?' because it just comes so natural. Our normal responses are the following: 
Ugh! Stressed out.
Fine (women, you know when you say fine you're not).
I'm okay. Just tired.
Running late! Bye!
last but not least the usual, I'm good. How are you?

A friend of mine and I were talking one day about how life is just stressful. She then told me that every time someone asks her how she is doing she says, (ready this is the good part) "Life is sweet!" Of course I looked at her and was puzzled (I should've been blonde). She then told me to spell Desserts backwards......

Cute pic right? I was having some desserts.. HA!

So are you catching the drift? Desserts spelled backwards is STRESSED..... Whatchu say?! My friend and I got to talking about desserts and she explained how sometimes life is like the conveyor belt at Krispy Kreme. It gets stuck and needs maintenance on it from time to time. Our lives can be like a donut stuck on the conveyor belt with the icing continuously falling on to us (donut). You can make your donut however you please. 

My new response to life is I am a jelly filled donut without the jelly stuck on the conveyor belt with icing steadily drowning me.... LIFE IS SWEET Y'ALL

Lets all be honest, we all complain about how life is stressful but reading about donuts it put you in a better mood. Now you're probably going to want some donuts. Why not have a new perspective on life and determine how your day will be. Okay so your morning is going terrible or the entire day you feel like you can't catch a break. GET YOU SOME DONUTS and say LIFE IS SWEET

Stop waiting on that "moment" that clicks and says 'Oh I need to look at life differently'... uh DUH! I have been there! You do not want that moment to come and make things click! Make it a habit! God did not make the beautiful creations around us to complain constantly. Again MAKE IT A HABIT! Life is sweet and my donut is Gooooooood! 

Someone had mentioned to me that they remember a conversation we had about when I was in the hospital with my son every day while he was not doing well. They expressed how hurt it made them feel. I was at a rough dark time and explained to them how I felt like I was on an elevator and I could not get off but I was watching everyone else getting off. Going on with life. I was stuck in four walls with my baby who was crying, screaming in pain and I could barely comfort him. I told them how can I keep going and staying encouraged with so much dark around me. I WANTED MY SON TO BE HEALED! Oh and he was. In Jesus name he was healed. The healing no man can give. But it was hard to see the sweetness in life. My kids couldn't play basketball or dance because mama wasn't there. My husband had to go to bed every night alone and take care of EVERYTHING while I was an hour and a half away at a hospital with our son. DO NOT wait on that moment for everything to click about life and just how sweet it is.

I'm just going to put this out there and very bluntly because when I read this it slapped me in the face! John 6:43 Jesus answered them, "Stop complaining among yourselves." I'm going to type this like I felt it, again, in verse 43, Jesus answered them, (imagine your father in his deep grumbling voice) "STOP COMPLAINING AMONG YOURSELVES". Now that verse makes me feel like I was being selfish sometimes when I did complain. People complain about the world and how this is happening and that is happening..... shove a donut in your mouth and be happy! Eat that donut like its the last meal and say life is sweet! Because life is sweet!

God sent His son to earth. To teach people because Jesus was the living word. Then he was punished and put to death on the cross for who? US! To forgive us for our sins, for our complaining. I tend to see people forget that story. Believers who believe but forget what happened for us. What God did for us. Don't you think our world would be a better place if we simply say life is sweet and not give the enemy that leverage because of our complaining. 

So again, shove a donut in your mouth, please do not choke, chew before swallowing, and say LIFE IS SWEET!

Love Y'all!

Rainbow in my front yard. Its a beautiful creation! Life is sweet!
To the person inspired this, you know who you are! I pray God keeps guiding and leading you to teach others. I like you! :)
