Tell Me More About Your Cure

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This post may step on toes and it may offend someone. If it does then please think about who your hurting when you have that thought about pushing a "solution" on someone that has a medical condition or has a child with one.

My group of Facebook peeps and twitter knows that I'm a childhood cancer advocate. Why (for the ones of you that don't know)? Well, I'm so glad you asked because I would like to share with you. My son was diagnosed with a type of cancer that only affects 3% of the United States population. It is called Rhabdomyosarcoma. Say that 5 times fast. I wanted to share something, not just about my son, but something I believe needs to have some spot light on. The reason...... I'm seeing so much of it every day on social media and still receive messages DAILY. But first, I want to show my beautiful family off. 

L-R: Koltyn, Kirra, William, Chris (Husband/Dad), Eleanor, Zack
I did good and God is AWESOME! On with my "venting". William sadly passed away March 5, 2018 at 11:10pm. That is an important part of what I am about to share with you.

I will be your best friend if you allow and I will tell you the truth in a nice loving way. That's what friends are for right? When my son was diagnosed I began receiving messages about trying certain foods because that will CURE him because they have heard or read an article, about it "curing" someone. First off, if childhood cancer has been cured then why did I spend so much money going to Washington DC to advocate for Childhood cancer research (aka STAR Act) to CONGRESS? Explain that one to me. Also, I would receive messages from people who sold ItWorks, Plexxus, Essential Oils, DoTerra (I'm not sure if those are the same), etc. 

Messages that we received about certain products from different sellers were GUT WRENCHING! You may think I'm over reacting but have you been surrounded by 4 walls everyday for majority of a year watching your child be pumped with so many medications and praying that it all works? I am speaking, not only from my experience and situation, but for others because one day, if you are one of those people that want to put your opinion on someone who is ill or has an ill child then please know I AM TRYING TO SAVE YOU from getting chewed out by an angry, livid parent. I was that parent to one person. 

I had enough. Me and my husband were trying our best to make the right decisions with the doctors and what was best for our son. Do you think that if you miracle product or certain foods would cure that a doctor would do just that? Please open your eyes and realize just because the products work for certain things does not mean that it will cure cancer. If that's the case then there would be no cancer and I would have my son with me to hug and love on. I wouldn't be making flower arrangements to take to his grave and be talking to a pile of dirt or praying to God to hug my son and let me feel his presence.  

The night my son passed I put up a post on Facebook. A sweet lady who I knew of but didn't personally know her messaged me the next day. She explained she had been following William's story and wanted to reach out and let me know that she sold essential oils and has an oil for us to try on William to heal him.                                                     Now do you see why I am trying to help the ones who think they have a cure? I meant to put that long space in by the way. When I saw her message after my son just passed and seeing how she "followed his story" I wanted to say some things and do some things that would not have made God happy. I prayed about it and God told me to be honest. I messaged her back and told her this, "My son just passed away last night and I would appreciate it if you never message me or anyone else with a medical condition about your essential oils." I never heard from her.

Now that you know the story, please think and be aware as to who and why your selling products or give advice about certain foods that would cure a person. If you have not been in that situation or know what it feels like to be in that situation, meaning having a loved one with a medical condition or having a medical condition yourself then DO NOT message someone saying you have a cure! I'm here saying again DO NOT express your opinion about your cure. 

Love y'all! Now you may enjoy this picture of my handsome Superman, William!

Rest in Heaven my sweet boy until I can hold you again.


  1. Thank you Jessica for always sharing your truth and your heart! You and your family have taught me so much about this terrible disease and the long journey that no parent or family should ever have to go through. I don't understand at all why people do this and have seen it not just with your family but on other families going thru this and it breaks my heart that people either knowingly or unknowingly can be so insensitive to know that a parent wouldn't know what's best for their child and not need that kind of advice on top of al you are already dealing with. No one knows what it is like to care for a child with cancer more then a parent going thru it and I find it very offensive of those that would pretend to do so. Your family needed support, love and prayers thru this, not that and I 100% agree with your blog and appreciate that you are always so honest in all of this! Your beautiful son William made such an impact on so many but even more so as a mother myself, you made an even bigger impact on me watching you go through all of this with grace, faith and love! Thank you for teaching me that and you each are always in my heart & prayers! God Bless!��❤️


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