God > Lemons

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God > Lemons

You hear it all the time, ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. What if you stop doing and listening to what everyone else said about your lemons and take those lemons and have your own way with them! That last sentence I feel could be a question or a statement. You can choose how you want to read that. I have a wooden decor item hanging on my wall that reminds me that when life gives me lemons, put them in your sweet tea and thank God for being southern. Cute, right? We always need that reminder whether it’s on our wall, on the dashboard of our car, etc. but the reminders help always.

The other day I had a doctor appointment and my kids were home with a family babysitter. I was constantly receiving texts and phone calls about my kids and how they were behaving. Within two hours I had back to back phone calls and texts. That was overwhelming and upsetting because I was hoping my kids would behave, listen, do their chores etc. but no. What I haven’t told you yet is I had been praising and worshiping God all morning long thanking Him for that amazing day. I was on a high! I was on the Holy Spirit high! But yet for two hours “life” kept throwing me lemons, hitting me right in the face time after time. Trust me, I was ready to go home, with all the information I had received about my children, and spare the rod (Proverbs). But instead God slowed my temper. He still showed me His amazing grace, His beautiful creation, everything was heightened because I allowed the Holy Spirit to take over. I went home and told my kids I was NOT going to let them steal my joy nor my Holy Spirit high! TAKE THAT LEMONS!

I took those lemons and karate chopped them!

In James 1:2-4 it tells us about our trials the test we will have. It tells us that if we turn to God it will give us endurance! Lord knows I need endurance with 4 kids and a husband. The endurance is for us to become STRONGER! The outside of a lemon is hard, or other words it has a hard “coat”, “shell”, but the inside is sour, juicy, smells clean right? The smell and taste of a lemon is strong right? I love how things open up and we’re able to help with Gods word in every situation. Ain’t God good?! YES HE IS!

James 1:2-4 (CSB) 2Consider it great joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you experience various trials, 3because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4And let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.

If you don’t know me and my family we have had a lot of trials and I will tell you in another blog but I wanted to share that it’s so easy to get disrupted in life with frustration. Sometimes we (including myself) let frustration over power us at times to where we are then in a bubble of frustration. But why not look at the struggle or trials we face, karate chop them lemons, walk away like a boss and say Thank you God because them lemons are not puckering up my lips today?! Grow strong in the Lord. Give yourself the endurance and remember the feeling you had when you overcame those lemons being thrown at you.

I’m not going to say have a blessed day I’m going to say I hope you will be blessed and I hope that this was encouraging but also take them lemons and karate chop the MESS out of them! You will then smell lemony fresh! Whoop win win!

Love y’all!
