
Showing posts from 2018

Not everyday has to be a Strong day

I love this. No matter how small we can conquer all with God on our side. Not every day has to be a strong day. Powerful right? I love this saying and the meaning behind it. I know I haven't posted in a little while but I know you didn't miss me that much. Tonight I was quickly reminded that not every day has to be a strong day. This week has been emotionally rough. ROUGH. Tonight, I hit a breaking point. My breaking point consisted of hugging my daughter, then going to the bathroom, closing the door and hyperventilating because I am crying so much. If that's not a breaking point then I have no clue what is. This week I have missed my son like no other. I believe it's just coming so surreal of forgetting things. His voice, touch, smell, and other small things about him. OH his shoes. He loved his shoes and was always proud of them. But last night while at church I had a few things that happened. One thing didn't bother me but it was something after t

When OK is not OK

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..... I'm not a Star Wars fan and you can ask my pastor how knowledgeable I am when it comes to that stuff but....Seriously though, a few years ago, home away from childhood home, I worked in a great loving environment. I loved my job.One day my boss came to me and gave me a passage saying I needed to read this and come up with a way to change how I talked with the public. Um, Excuse me, I'm a sweet southern belle who respects people and will give them my very last penny, if I had one at the time. But I had a habit. A habit that can be detrimental in a 911 situation and yes, I did answer 911 phone calls. My habit? Saying okay when it's not okay.  To me I was saying okay to let them know I was acknowledging them but I was being complained on because they didn't feel as if I was listening to them or brushing them off. Not caring. I did care about all the calls I had taken and I thought I was really good at my job. It w

Desserts over Stress.... YES

I am making my FIRST ever desserts blog! Wow I'm so excited about this one. I hope this helps you more than it helped me. Honestly, you may already know what this may be about. DO NOT BE A SPOILER!  So first thing we say to someone is 'Hey! How are you?' because it just comes so natural. Our normal responses are the following:  Ugh! Stressed out. Fine (women, you know when you say fine you're not). I'm okay. Just tired. Running late! Bye! last but not least the usual, I'm good. How are you? A friend of mine and I were talking one day about how life is just stressful. She then told me that every time someone asks her how she is doing she says, (ready this is the good part) "Life is sweet!" Of course I looked at her and was puzzled (I should've been blonde). She then told me to spell Desserts backwards...... Cute pic right? I was having some desserts.. HA! So are you catching the drift? Desserts spelled backward

Tell Me More About Your Cure

This post may step on toes and it may offend someone. If it does then please think about who your hurting when you have that thought about pushing a "solution" on someone that has a medical condition or has a child with one. My group of Facebook peeps and twitter knows that I'm a childhood cancer advocate. Why (for the ones of you that don't know)? Well, I'm so glad you asked because I would like to share with you. My son was diagnosed with a type of cancer that only affects 3% of the United States population. It is called Rhabdomyosarcoma. Say that 5 times fast. I wanted to share something, not just about my son, but something I believe needs to have some spot light on. The reason...... I'm seeing so much of it every day on social media and still receive messages DAILY. But first, I want to show my beautiful family off.  L-R: Koltyn, Kirra, William, Chris (Husband/Dad), Eleanor, Zack I did good and God is AWESOME! On with my "venting&

God > Lemons

   God > Lemons You hear it all the time, ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’. What if you stop doing and listening to what everyone else said about your lemons and take those lemons and have your own way with them! That last sentence I feel could be a question or a statement. You can choose how you want to read that. I have a wooden decor item hanging on my wall that reminds me that when life gives me lemons, put them in your sweet tea and thank God for being southern. Cute, right? We always need that reminder whether it’s on our wall, on the dashboard of our car, etc. but the reminders help always. The other day I had a doctor appointment and my kids were home with a family babysitter. I was constantly receiving texts and phone calls about my kids and how they were behaving. Within two hours I had back to back phone calls and texts. That was overwhelming and upsetting because I was hoping my kids would behave, listen, do their chores etc. but no. What I haven’t to